Phase 2

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Phase 2

Almajiri Skill Acquisition Program (ASAP).

Project title: Almajiri Skill acquisition Program (ASAP).

Batch A: Top 20 students from phase 1

Batch B: Remaining 30 students. Duration: 6 Months for each batch with the following learning activities:

4.1 Numeracy & Literacy (Contd):

4.2Life skills:

· Personal Hygiene and Grooming

· Self-Awareness

· Conflict Management and Peacebuilding

· Pre-Marital and Marital Counselling I & II

· Seerah (Story telling relating to contextual scenarios)

· PDL (Personal Development and Leadership)


4.3 Vocational skills (Apprenticeship):

The students shall be enrolled into the vocation they chose in phase 1. There will be variation in each apprentice’s learning duration relative to the requirement of the vocation. The apprenticeship will adopt a rapid learning approach whereby intensive and accelerated classes are organised with the vocational guilds’ experts.

4.4 Entrepreneurship Development Course (EDC):

Within the period of learning, they shall attend entrepreneurship development courses as well to equip them towards establishing viable and sustainable businesses. This will give them advantage over competitors. This course will centre majorly on basic business and financial literacy lessons as follows:

a. Business Management

· Basics of business management

· Business model (sole proprietorship, partnership, Business name registration)

· Marketing skills (marketing mix, branding, advertisement, packaging, etc.)

· Customer relationship management (CRM)

· Proposal writing

· Business accounting

· vii)Business sustainability, growth and expansion (Business Financing, funding · mechanism)

b. Financial Literacy

· Personal financial management

· Savings

· Loan, debt, borrowing · Investment

· Understanding basic cash flow for small business (Asset Vs. Liability)

4.5 Basic ICT:

· Introduction to Hardware and Software

· Use of Microsoft office packages

· Research and browsing

· Social Media

· Digital marketing

· Google Translate

· YouTube vocational exposure and continuing education

· Basic coding